उपभोक्ता अधिकार रक्षा को निम्ति सचेत र सजग बनौ ।

WCRD 2016: Antibiotics off the menu

The theme for World Consumer Rights Day 2016 will be “antibiotics off the menu” and Consumers International will be campaigning with Members around the world for fast food companies to make a global commitment to stop the sale of meat raised with the routine use of antibiotics important to human medicine.

Antibiotic resistance is rising to dangerously high levels in all parts of the world. The World Health Organisation has warned that, without urgent action, we are heading for a post-antibiotic era, in which important medicines stop working and common infections and minor injuries can once again kill.

Growing antibiotic resistance is driven by over use of antibiotics.  Around half of the antibiotics produced globally are used in agriculture, with much of this being used to promote faster growth and to prevent, rather than treat, disease.

Despite worldwide concern about the overuse of antibiotics, their use in agriculture is due to increase by two thirds by 2030: from 63,200 tons in 2010, to 105,600 tons in 2030.

Our infographic shows how the use of antibiotics in farming is threatening to make some common ailments untreatable.

Consumers have an important role to play in persuading food companies to make the changes that are needed to stop this global public health threat and protect our medicines for the future.

courtesy: Consumers International