उपभोक्ता अधिकार रक्षा को निम्ति सचेत र सजग बनौ ।


However the Forum has been succeed various local level & national level programs from the short period of its establishment. Some activities / programs are listed below:

Consumer Awareness Programs

Since its establishment the forum has been launching various demonstrating programs against the existing price hike, curtailing of goods, black marketing and the artificial scarcity of daily consumable goods in different places and different times.
We have been conducting different monitoring and studying programs in the various parts of the country, for the identification of the problems which have been faced by consumers for many days.
For the welfare of consumers, forum has formed different committees and subcommittees at local level.
We have been knocking frequently to concerned government bodies to make its role active and responsible for the reformation of Consumers Protection Act, 1997 Ad and Regulation 1998 AD which are essential to ensure & protect Consumers Rights. \
We have been monitoring and inspecting the going irregularities in the price of daily consumable goods, in coordination with Ministry of Commerce & Supply, Department of Commerce & Supply Management and other regulatory bodies.
The forum has suggested to the Constitution Assembly Members to ensure rights with addressing clearly in the preamble of new forming constitution.
The forum has been actively participating in monitoring of the quality & quantity of different consumable products or basic need goods.
We have been launching different awareness program in different fields according to our schedule. Recently the forum has completed its Educational Awareness Campaign 2015 organized in more than 10 districts in this year.

Social Work

Blood Donation Program is continuously made in each year on the occasion of its establishment day.
Aware the local community of various places regarding water and sanitation.

Upcoming Activities

Project Details

Name of the project: “Consumer Awareness Campaign for all.”

Project site/ location (covering regions/ districts): Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Nuwakot, Dhading, Rasuwa, Kavre, Sindhupalchok, Gorkha, Lamjung, Tanahu, Kaski, Ramechhap, Humla, Jumla, Parsa, Nawalparasi, syanga, Makawanpur, Chitwan, Parbat, Banke.

Project Duration: Date of commencement: 2072-05-01 BS, Date of completion: 2073-05-01 BS.

Project Status: About to launch (searching for financial support)

Project Sector: Consumer Education

Project Selection Criteria

a. Background

Consumers are not well informed and aware about the consumer’s rights and their duties. Though the consumers utilize the services provided by the different services institutions like banking sectors, transportation, education, health and other sectors they are utilizing it either knowing or unknowing. The simply compensate for goods/ services and consume/ avail them. Due to the consumer’s non collective voice & lack of awareness, the traders/entrepreneurs have taken much benefit from them. Similarly, the government and its regulator are not paying proper attention and not conducting the monitoring effectively. Due to lack of effective monitoring governed system consumers are not safe, they are cheated by the vested business group. So to reduce these problems & challenges, to aware consumer, to establish rule of law in the nation and to make feeling of assurance in the market we have aimed that to make “Conscious Mass Consumers” through consumer education.

b. Problems identified during the feasibility study of the project in the targeted area

  • lack of consumer education.
  • Mixing / black marketing/ artificial scarcity of daily consumable goods in the market.
  • Curtailing / syndicating/ irregularities in the market.
  • Consumers are not self aware,
  • We could not found attention of the concerned stakeholders of the government agencies in the part of market monitoring & consumers rights protect act.

Project Objectives:

  1. Providing consumer education by senior experts, govt agencies, non government agencies and other individuals from the civil society.
  2. To make aware about duties and rights of the consumers.
  3. To draw attention of the concern bodies in the contemporary consumable goods at the time of scarcity, black market and price hike.
  4. Awareness to a consumer & make them ready to raise their voice against abuse of consumers rights.

Activities to be carried out under project / program:

  1. Training/ seminars on consumer education by experts resource person.
  2. Awareness programs on local wards by door to door campaigning.
  3. Providing pamphlets, leaflets, and brochure to the consumers regarding consumer education.
  4. Placing informative hoarding boards in the various places concerning the high population density area as well as in the entry points of Kathmandu Valley initially (i.e. Thankot, Sangha, Mudkhu, Chovar). Further these boards will be placed outside of the valley.
  5. Conducting awareness programs about consumers right, goods services in association with local clubs, institutions, press, development committee, civil societies & the stakeholders.

Target group and no of beneficiaries: The organization has targeted to alert & aware more than 100000 (families) for the basic consumer education, rights and duties.

Expected Outcome/ Result: We expect that, the campaign will help and enable them to wake their voice and be united with collective voice against the consumer rights violation. They will be able & take precaution while buying the goods.

Linkage with district line agencies and coordination with DDC / VDC/ municipality and other concerned agencies: Authorities of concerned VDC, Municipality and local chapter will be informed about the program to be held by the organization in various places.

Monitoring and Evaluation of the project: A separate monitoring & evaluation unit leaded by the organizations central body will be formed. Regular Monitoring and Evaluation will be done by concerned regulators.

Preparation and Submission of Regular Progress: A regular progress report monthly will be prepared by the organization itself and submitted to this campaign supporter.