उपभोक्ता अधिकार रक्षा को निम्ति सचेत र सजग बनौ ।

Mission & Vision

  • CRIF aims to study and investigate the status of consumer rights through market monitoring, market research and surveillance to ensure the right of consumers.
  • CRIF suppose to conduct various awareness programs to pressurize the state mechanism responsible and to protect consumer rights by the means of active and united consumer movement.
  • To organize various kinds of programs concerned with public importance, consumer awareness so as to draw the attention of government to the follies and weakness seen in those subjects.
  • To pressurize the concerned authority to control black marketing, price hike and less quality goods in the market.
  • To correct the irregularities and disorders seen in the area of finance and capital market.
  • CRIF aims to launch a consumer virtual library & online library in the future and planned to establish well equipped “Consumers Information Desk” in the different places of the country so that consumers could have easy access to their rights.